Book of Revelation Commentary is an extensive verse by verse commentary while addressing tough controversial passages. This commentary has been compiled by Andre Dellerba, the originator of Holy Gospels in One.

Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand (Rev. 1:3).


An updated extensive verse by verse commentary on the Book of Revelation with charts, images, and maps while addressing controversial passages.

The Authorized KJV 1769 Translation (Greek Received Text) is the basis for the translation therefore it is one of the best and most accurate English Translations available today. In addition, the commentary includes “Side Notes” which are merely comments inspired by the passage.

Yeshua (Jesus) is coming back very soon and He wants to prepare His church with an accurate interpretation of the Greek Text which He shared with the Apostle John.

Holy Spirit inspired this work. Therefore, the commentary captures writers such as Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Daniel, Zechariah, Ezekiel, 1 and 2, Thessalonians, Enoch and more. As a result, all glory is to be given to Holy Spirit, Yeshua my Lord and Savior, and my Heavenly Father. 

Finally, we all wait expectantly for Yeshua’s return, as the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. (Hab. 2:14)

2024 Version by Andre Dellerba


Latest Revision – APRIL 2024

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Commentary Book of Revelation by Andre Dellerba


Rev 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.


Cold is not bad, but good. Yeshua wants either cold or hot drinks. Cold water is for thirst and hot is for enjoyment or comfort.

Cold in this reference is for good. The only references to this Greek word “cold” are related to cold water to drink, something to be desired when thirsty (Matt. 10:42; Sept. Prov. 25:25).

This Greek word for “hot” is for drinking enjoyment (soup, hot drinks).

The Messenger needs to be cold or hot, but not insipid – lukewarm (Rev. 3:17). If the messenger was completely relying on/ depending on Yeshua – Yeshua would be able to drink from him (Yeshua would get satisfaction in helping him). If the messenger was grateful in what Yeshua had done for him, Yeshua would also be able to drink from him (Yeshua gets satisfaction in his gratefulness – 1 Thess. 5:18).

I WILL SPUE THEE OUT OF MY MOUTH – Now because the messenger is lukewarm, Yeshua should “spue” him out, which means vomit him out with force (similar to Sept. Isa. 19:14). Therefore, he will no longer be a part of Him (similar to Matt. 25:42-45).


End Times Videos and Tough End Times Questions Answered





The objective of this book is to present the end times in a narrative format, faithfully adhering to the sequence of events outlined in the books of Revelation, Daniel, Zechariah, Matthew, and Ezekiel (copy of the Book – PDF) or Audiobook on YT Chronicles of the Final Day.

What is the Book about? In 2046, Earth hangs in the balance—caught between destruction and renewal. The prophesied apocalypse from the Book of Revelation has unleashed chaos, and Major Phoenix Bates finds himself torn between duty and love. Under a one-world government ruled by ten kings, only a few brave Christians and Jewish rebels dare to defy the regime.

Five seals have already been broken; the sixth is imminent, and the seventh will unleash a seven-year tribulation from God. The first half brings the terrifying plagues of the six trumpets, leading to the second half, which will release the seventh trumpet, that is, the seven bowls of God’s wrath.

Amidst this turmoil, Major Bates faces an agonizing choice: betray his deepest beliefs or sacrifice the love of his life. As humanity teeters on the brink, one question echoes louder than the chaos: Are we truly ready to choose between God and this world? There is no middle ground.

Join Bates on an electrifying journey of faith, love, and survival in a new world. Will he find the courage to stand for what is right when everything hangs in the balance?