Things to do for the Kingdom of God on a daily basis so that Yeshua will say to us, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matt. 25:21). “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matt. 6:33)


  1. Each morning, make a “to do” list for the Kingdom of God.
  2. Give Tithe, offerings, and first fruit to expand or enable the Kingdom of God (first to the community, then the Israelites, then the Gentiles).
  3. Speak life over family, speak blessings over them.
    • Have communion as a family regularly
  4. Lead, host or start a Bible Study.
  5. Give money, food, clothing, and help to the poor.
  6. Help those in prison, either directly, or via prison ministries.
  7. Help the elderly.
  8. Give to, and help widows and orphans.
  9. Find ways to help stop human trafficking, as well as those affected by it.
  10. Identify Talents, Lessons and Passions, then use them to share the Good News of Yeshua with others.
    • Learn how to answer their toughest questions.
    • Find a few people to support and mentor them in the things of the Lord. A season of mentor-ship may be a couple of weeks or longer.
    • Use social media to inspire and direct others – focus on sharing, not arguing.
  11. Help others find their Kingdom assignment e.g. online Bible Studies – Ladies for Jesus .
  12. Do good to all, especially to the household of faith.
    • Help those who are struggling by providing food, clothes, time, transportation and listening to them.
  13. Pray for others:
    • Pray for Family and bless them with words spoken out.
    • Pray for leaders.
    • Pray for laborers to be cast out into the harvest.
    • Pray for the peace in Jerusalem, especially that they are open to receive Yeshua the Messiah.
  14. Ensure the right authority structure in the home (1 Cor. 11:1-3):
    • Because of the Father, Yeshua is the center of the home and thus the scripture is foundational for all decisions.
    • The husband leads the family in the Lord, protects and supplies for the family – he is the head of the wife.
    • The wife is the helper to the Husband (he needs help) and helps the children develop.
    • The children are to obey their parents and listen earnestly to their council.
  15. Sharing Christian messages on web pages, social media, and podcasts.
  16. Share powerful online videos of showing healing by Yeshua, impossible people being saved, the afterlife testimonies, and tough questions being answered.
  17. Drop off pamphlets, books, DVDs, book marks, etc at waiting areas – Old Age homes, Hospitals, Clinics, Dentists, Funeral homes, Walmart (shelves), Travel centers, etc.
  18. Organize prayer walks in your community or family – around police, government, witches’ places etc.
  19. Open your home to people in your community and neighbourhood: host play dates at your house if you have children, invite people to your home to share a meal and talk to them about Yeshua, offer to babysit neighbour children as you’re able. 
  20. Join your local community groups on social media and offer Godly perspective when people ask for advice online
  21. Spend time in public places in your community (the park, library, etc) and be intentional to strike up conversations with people about Jesus.


  1. Receive all that Yeshua has provided.
    • Get to know God the Father.
    • Be aware that God is with you and loves you because of Yeshua.
  2. Pray always
    • Pray in secret, for example in the morning and evening.
    • Go on prayer walks with the Lord.
    • Pray an hour a day.
    • Write a letter to the Lord.
    • Pray in Tongues.
  3. Be quick to repent.
  4. Forgive your enemies.  Forgive self after repentance and try to make right. Stay away from temptation like pornography.
  5. Do not lean on your ability, but lean on the Lord’s ability in you (Prov 3:5-8; 1 Peter 5:6-7)
  6. Fast for 24 hours or more (no food, no tea, no medication only pure water or no water).
  7. Praise the Lord.
    • Make a list of things you are grateful for, including looking at God’s creation.
  8. Read and meditate on the scripture.
  9. Keep God’s law (there are no elastics in God’s law) therefore keep the Sabbath, eat what God said, have no idols, stop sexual immorality (1 Cor. 7:19; Acts 15:29).
  10. Casting down anything that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5).
  11. Spend regular time as a family talking about the things of the Lord.
Getting together to feed the poor in the  name of Yeshua