This webpage is for Christians who are addicted to Pornography and want to destroy porn addiction through the power of God with practical lessons. It is specifically designed for men and it works, but women can use this too.
The pornography addiction pandemic has driven many to commit suicide. Truth behind porn movies is to destroy the individual, and thus the family. Therefore, there is no such thing as appropriate porn, fantasy porn, “watching together”, or helpful porn. Hence, porn is evil and the reason Christians feel dirty and guilty after watching it.
Some have used the “bounce the eyes” technique when seeing an exposed woman. But this has been a defensive strategy and leaves the mind to fill in the blanks. The offensive strategy is always the best. It is time to take back the freedom that Yeshua provided, and overcome lust and be pornography free.
Therefore there are 3 main steps: Receive Prayer, Be Prepared by Knowing, and Actively Live as a Conqueror.
- A side note: This isn’t to tell people how bad they are, or make them feel guilty, but to remind us that “we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us” (Rom. 8:37). If this is for you, you have come to the right place. This works!
Before we start, listen and accept these powerful – listen and receive this audio prayers of deliverance. This is the first step to destroy the porn addiction. After this, watch this videos and received his prayer. Sometimes, some sickness and diseases have a spiritual root stemming from pornography and rejection. Through prayer, you might find yourself being healed of many things.
- It is important to know that pornography is not just a little sin, but adultery (Matt. 5:28)! There are severe consequences for adultery (1 Cor. 6:9-10). Remember Yeshua’s words, “If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you, for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell” (Matt. 5:29).
- Know that you are not alone, even great Biblical men like Samson (Judges 14-16) and King David (2 Sam 11) suffered with lust as they also faced the consequences.
- The easiest time to stop any temptation is in the beginning! Learn to say no quickly.
- See women as precious in the sight of God and your job is to protect them from predators.
- Don’t believe the lie from Satan that pornography will help with your sex life, it DOESN’T, it ROBS IT!
- Falling results in guilt, so repent quickly and ask the Lord to help! Then lean on His mercy, even if it’s the 100th time of repenting (Matt. 18:21-22). Only the blood of Yeshua can clean us from sin.
- For Married Couples: Sex between husband and wife is not optional or just nice to do, it is mandatory (1 Cor. 7:2-5). Sex makes the two into one unit, and unity between couples is vital (Matt. 19:5; 1 Cor. 6:15-17). Sex also protects each other from Satan’s devices (1 Cor. 7:5). Click here for a powerful message by Myles Munroe on what a husband and wife needs.
- Identify your trigger points, circle them, and work to avoid them: boredom, loneliness, lack of purpose, tired, sexual images, movies, lack of self-worth, masturbation, rejection from wife and others. Therefore knowing them is a large step in destroying the porn addiction.
- Boredom, Loneliness or Lack of Purpose?
- A SOLUTION: Start the day in prayer and write down a few things today to do for God’s Kingdom. If one is busy, they don’t have time to sin. If you don’t know your purpose in the Lord, work at discovering it.
- A SOLUTION: If one is able, pray often in Tongues.
- Tired?
- A SOLUTION: Go to bed at a regular time each night. Try limit going to bed after 10 pm.
- A SOLUTION: Fast regularly, for example once a week.
- Lack of self-worth, rejection from wife, manager, or others?
- A SOLUTION: Confess out loud who God has made you to be “a Child of God, more than a Conquer, so rise up mighty man of God” and continue to thank Him.
- A SOLUTION: Focus on doing something for the Kingdom of God that is outside self and your family. For example, do something good for others on behalf of Yeshua (click here for examples).
- Sexual Images on TV or Movies?
- A SOLUTION: Password protect your computer with apps like Adblocker, Parental Controls, enable “Safesearch” on google search, Circle etc.
- Masturbation?
- A SOLUTION: Stop, by doing something physical – go for a run. If you were to masturbate, we don’t recommend, but know it is difficult. If you are unmarried, try think of nothing when doing the act. That means, let no image of others come to mind. For the married, you need to ask for permission from your spouse, and ensure their image is in your mind.
- Ask Heavenly Father to help and deliver you from the Evil one (Matt. 6:13).
- Read the word of God daily. Ideally 3 or more chapters per day.
- Be quick to repent for thoughts.
- Every time you get the thought, use it as a trigger to cast the devil of adultery and homosexuality away from you. AND also pray for the person you are thinking about until you are a protector vs a predator. DO NOT IGNORE IT. This is an offensive strategy of damaging the Kingdom of Darkness with prayer and destroying the addiction of pornography through the power of God. The Demons who are harassing will try and avoid anyone who prays blessings on people.
- Confess your sin to someone trustworthy person of God. If married, tell your spouse and or another trustworthy person.
- Have accountability partner to have your back and pray for you. Examples of prayer.
- Throw all pornographic images and movies away, including removing them from your computer.
- Every time those pornographic images or videos pop into the mind, actively see Yeshua (imagination) standing in those images starring at you and telling you to pray blessing for those people you are looking at. If those images persist, and you are married, replace those images with that of your spouse.
- Take up some form of regular exercise such as gym, to release the tension or energy.
- If married, set up scheduled sex day(s) per week and stick to it (generally 1-3/week). For example, every Wednesday and a day on the weekends.
- Keep confessing, “I am a Child of God and Holy because of Yeshua. I protect women.”
- Get proper sleep.
Other great resources at

Two powerful testimonies of people who have destroyed the porn addiction in their own and their families lives. Sorry folks for being anonymous, as this is embarrassing for the individual but they are willing to share these because they want to help others who have been or are in a similar situation, they love Jesus.
When it started?
When I was 10 I started looking up sexy pictures on the internet and watching sexy music videos out of curiosity. At the age of 12 I had fed my curiosity too much and I started looking at porn on a regular basis.
How I knew it was bad?
I learned early on through church that looking at a woman to lust after her was adultery not to mention all of the guilt from sneaking around that I had to do.
What were the triggers/traps?
My triggers and traps for porn were staying up late, being bored and lonely and stress from school and work. I would often play video games late into the night and when I was tired and bored I would go looking for porn.
How or what helps me overcome?
I have always prayed like crazy about it but I never had a strong motivation to stop completely. When I met my wife I knew I had to change. I was honest with my wife and a few key friends that have kept me accountable. However only recently I have started praying for and blessing the people that are part of any tempting images. Therefore this has really helped reduced the amount of temptation to look at porn or to even lust after women.
When did it start?
I do not recall exactly when it started, but I was very young, maybe between 8-10 years old. I remember thinking about the opposite sex a lot, but cannot say what triggered those initial thoughts. Then I found a magazine at my grandparents’ house with pictures of naked women. I was intrigued and drawn to see more. From there I found more pictures and magazines at my relative’s homes, friends shared material they had found, and eventually got hold of movies.
My parents were always very open about sexual matters and at one point even purchased magazines for me to share with my friends. When the internet arrived, it was like opening Pandora’s box, easily available, free, and anonymous access to porn that pushed the boundaries of what I had considered ‘normal’ up to that point.
How did you know it was bad or did you know?
Up to a point in my 20’s I rationalized that it was ok since I was not physically having sex or cheating on someone. Deep down though I must have felt it was wrong since I hid my secret activities making sure not to be discovered. When I eventually started reading more of the bible and material regarding the Word, I read a write up about how porn is wrong, addictive, and affects your view of sex and women, and can harm relationships.
That did not make me stop, but I did then have guilt and shame after I exposed myself to porn. I continued to rationalize it though and did not stop. As time went on and I got older, got married, had kids, the Holy Spirit would convict me. As a result, I would have verses come into my head reminding me of my sin, have sleepless nights, and feel a secret shame and guilt.
What were/are the triggers/traps?
The trigger for me was pure lust, the fantasy of ‘having’ any beautiful woman I wanted, and her doing whatever would please me. Therefore perhaps it was a no-risk-of-rejection factor and part of the thrill was finding a ‘better’ movie or picture, etc. Thus the trap is that the more I saw, there more I wanted to see and it was an insatiable cycle.
The moment my ‘session’ was over, I would think I was satisfied and never do it again, but a few days later I would be back for more. It became an addiction, wasting so much time on a purposeless activity. It even affected my health in the sense that I would sometimes have ‘brain fog’, lack of focus, lack of sleep.
What you do to overcome or try to overcome that is really helping?
Confessing and bringing it into the open is the first and biggest step. It brings it to light and in part takes away the power it has over you. I find it really helpful when I have thoughts of the images, or see someone that may trigger those impulses, to think of them as my mom or daughter and instead pray for them and then ask God to remove the impulse or image from my mind.
Keeping busy serving God also really helps, and focusing on Jesus, and pleasing him. If you are simply after ‘being free’ and trying to beat it for yourself only, it is not as effective. Being accountable to your partner/friend/group is also very helpful.