Twelve ways to share the message of Yeshua, focusing on living by His example, sharing personal testimonies, and praying for others. It encourages meaningful discussions about faith and challenges individuals to seek a personal relationship with God.

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  1. Live the Example of Yeshua – Keep His commandments (Fruit: John 13:35) and walk in His power (Signs: Mark 16:17-18).
  2. Share Your Personal Testimony of what God has done for you through Yeshua (Mark 5:18-20; 1 Peter 3:15).
  3. Ask to Pray for Them: “Heavenly Father, touch this person. Show them Yeshua.” (John 6:65).
  4. Share a Word of Knowledge from the Holy Spirit with them, e.g., “Can I ask you a question? Did this or that happen to you? Do you have something wrong with your…?” (John 4:16-19).
  5. Heal the Sick in Yeshua’s name (ensure you are in prayer). Declare their healing in front of them. Yeshua heals today; don’t fret—smile and let Yeshua prove Himself to them. All you need to do is pray, show compassion, lay hands on them, and declare healing in His name. Be quick. (Matt. 10:8).
  6. Tell Them How Much God Loves Them: He sent Yeshua to bring them to Him—the Gospel. God accepts them as they are; Yeshua paid for their sins—all they need to do is surrender to Yeshua (John 3:16).
  7. Proclaim That the Time Is Now: The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Gospel (Mark 1:15).
  8. Proclaim the Truth: “It is written, ‘Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense, and whoever believes in Him (Yeshua) will not be put to shame’” (Rom. 9:33). “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me” (Rev. 3:20).
  9. Challenge Their Moral Standards against God’s commandments. Have they blasphemed God, dishonored their parents, lied, stolen, or envied? Based on this standard, will they be guilty or innocent? Heaven or Hell—and does this concern them? No one is good before God; that’s why we all need Yeshua, who pays our debts because we can’t (John 8:24).
  10. Challenge Them: “Do you really want to know? Go to your room, close the door, and ask God to show you if Yeshua is the only way to Him—in a way that you will understand. Be honest; He will show you soon.” (Matt. 7:7-8).
  11. Question the Validity of Their Authorities (Evolution, Muhammad, Joseph Smith, Buddha, etc.). How do they define love? How do they view women relative to men? How do they see deformity? Why do they believe these figures? How do they know they are right? Could they be wrong, and why not? (Matt. 7:15).

12. Ask Challenging Questions

  • What is the meaning of life? Do you live by this, and can you prove it with science? If it is happiness, isn’t that self-gratification? Can you prove it? Happiness is subjective and defined differently by each person. For a Christian, the meaning of life is to know God as Father and Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah whom He has sent—in other words, to have a relationship with God.
  • Is your conscience a fact or a feeling? and can you prove it with science or explain where it came from?
  • What are the chances that there is no Creator who put life together? Give a percentage from 0-100% (100% meaning no chance). If it’s less than 100%, why the doubt? If you say, “I will never know,” how do you know that if you haven’t sought Him—have you sought Him?
  • When you die, if you were going to Hell and not Heaven, and you could do something about it, would you want to know? Would you want a relationship with the Creator who made the Sun, Moon, Stars, Air, Food, Water, Beach, Life, and all the rules that govern them?
  • Have you sincerely asked God to reveal Himself to you with an honest heart?—something like, “I don’t want to go through life without knowing You,” not “I just want to know if You exist”?
  • Is there a great man in history who impacted this world more than Jesus? —even the date you write is because of Him? If Jesus is the greatest, why don’t you listen to Him?
  • If you were going to select a group of people to spend eternity with, how would you filter them out beforehand? In other words, what would you look for in those people? If you say goodness, how is it possible to be good without God’s laws? Do you have your own laws? If someone knocked on your door and asked, “Can I stay at your house forever because I am good?” would you let them? Wouldn’t you reserve your home for people whom you love and who love you? These people would defend you, speak well of you, and engage with you, even when others persecute them for it.
  • What would God need to do to get your attention without showing Himself physically to you? If the answer is, “Why can’t He just show Himself?”—if He did, your time would be up, and you would no longer have a choice.
  • When you die and stand before God one day, what excuse will you use when He asks you why you have rejected His Son, Jesus? Would it be one of the following? Blame Him for not showing Himself physically to you? Or he didn’t make it clearer when you haven’t really sought Him? Or do you challenge Him for the suffering in this world because you believe you are more righteous, know better, and do more “good” with what you have than He does? All of the above?